Commit cdf4fdd2 authored by Dennis Willers's avatar Dennis Willers 🏀

Doesn´t log error, if other end break up the connection

parent 532a5ce1
......@@ -162,7 +162,9 @@ server.on('connection',function(socket){
// emits when any error occurs -> calls closed event immediately after this.
console.log('Error: ' + error);
if (error !== 'Error: This socket has been ended by the other party') {
console.log('Error: ' + error);
//emits when server is bound with server.listen
......@@ -253,10 +255,10 @@ client.on('data',function(data){
// | localhost
// Examples:
// getVotes: {"map":"OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5","http":"GET","url":"getVotes?map=OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5"}
// setVotes: {"http":"POST", "map": "OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5", "player": "Jtmn3kBnSSadky_mLNhp_A", "vote": 50}
// setVote: {"http":"POST", "map": "OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5", "player": "Jtmn3kBnSSadky_mLNhp_A", "vote": 50}
// getPlayerVote: {"map":"OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5","http":"GET","url":"getPlayerVote?map=OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5&player=Jtmn3kBnSSadky_mLNhp_A"}
const testClient = net.connect({host: 'localhost', port: 3000}, () => {
/*const testClient = net.connect({host: '', port: 3201}, () => {
console.log('connected to server!');
//testClient.write('Hello World Client!\r\n');
testClient.write(JSON.stringify({"http":"POST", "map": "OkNwgzSwDLZSWSRPsUKY7EA1Cg5", "player": "Jtmn3kBnSSadky_mLNhp_A", "vote": 80}));
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