Commit b42d3519 authored by Dennis Willers's avatar Dennis Willers 🏀


parent 3cb2e0a9
## Description ## Description
Finally you have the possibility to **vote tracks!** As you may know it from *TMN*, you can give ratings from **---** to **+++** via chat or via the plugin. You will also see how many players have voted for the map in total. In addition, the average rating is displayed in stars and in a number. This is a **global** vote manager. It doesn't matter if you play solo or on a server. You can always see the current voting status of the current map. Finally you have the possibility to **vote tracks!** As you may know it from *TMN*, you can give ratings from **---** to **+++** via chat or via the plugin. You will also see how many players have voted for the map in total. In addition, the average rating is displayed in stars and in a number. This is a **global** vote manager. It doesn't matter if you play solo or on a server. You can always see the current voting status of the current map.
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